Are You Wondering How Much Turmeric to Use?

You might be wondering how much turmeric to use for cooking or as a daily health supplement. You could even be wondering how much to take for a common ailment like indigestion or irritable bowel. The information in this article should help with any of those topics. Let's start with cooking.
Turmeric has a bitter, earthy taste, somewhat reminiscent of horseradish or ground mustard. In the mouth, it feels somewhat peppery, not hot, but warm. If fresh, it should always be used sparingly, towards the end of the cooking process.
Fresh ground turmeric has a strong flavor, aroma and color, but a very short shelf-life. It should be protected from sunlight and heat, because the flavor degrades quickly. If the color has started to fade, you can assume that the flavor will not be as strong. You may need to add a little more to get the desired flavor.
Exactly, how much turmeric to use will depend on the recipe, and the type of dish you are serving. Most meat dishes call for ¼ to ½ teaspoon. Pickles call for a teaspoon and a half. A recipe for curry sauce will usually call for 2-3 tablespoons of curry powder. Turmeric is the primary ingredient in most commercial curry powders.
If you are wondering how much turmeric to use for indigestion or other common ailments, recommendations vary. To get the most accurate recommendation, it's best to consult with a doctor of naturopathic medicine.
As a daily supplement, 50mg is sufficient, as long as the tablet has an enteric coating and piperine is included in the mix. Piperine enhances the absorption of curcumin into the bloodstream. Curcumin is the medicinally "active" component of the spice.
What are the health benefits of daily supplementation? Those may be many.
As with all health supplements, the goal is to help prevent chronic and life threatening diseases, boost immune system responses and balance inflammation. The better supplements contain a variety of antioxidants, because oxidation is one of the causes of cellular aging. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant.
The human body will eventually run down, there is no doubt. But, if you have ever lived with someone that was rundown at the age of 50 or 60, you don't want that to happen to you. You want to be one of the ones that are active and healthy in their 80's and 90's. Curcumin may reduce the risk of age-related diseases.
There are some supplement companies that suggest much higher doses when they are talking about how much turmeric to use for good long-term health. There is no reason to think that more is better and it could be detrimental. It's basically safe, but diarrhea and nausea have been seen at high doses.
The reason for the high dosage recommendation has to do with this. Without an enteric coating, very little curcumin is absorbed into the bloodstream. Coatings cost more, so most companies don't use them. Those are just some highlights concerning how much turmeric to use. Visit my website today to learn about a multi-nutritional supplement I've discovered that I'd like to share with you.
Are You Wondering How Much Turmeric to Use?
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Tomatoes - Six Easy Steps to Maximize Yields of Big Juicy Ones in Small Home Gardens

A chemist once told me to add Epsom salts to the soil where I set my tomato plants. It worked well to a large degree. Yet, other things can also be done to improve their overall yield. After growing tomatoes on a tiny plot for several years, I do six things to maximize my tomato yield. The plot itself is located in a sunlit place having adequate amounts of late-afternoon shade and an adequate water supply.
1. Have good soil. Make sure the plot soil is rich with compost and humus, and is self-draining as much as possible. Mix in grass, leaves, garbage, manure or whatever it takes to make it that way over time. The dirt should be easy to dig up, cultivate, and be resistant to becoming sticky, like clay.
2. When planting, add mixture of Epsom salts and basic fertilizer. When setting the starter plants, make the hole fairly deep, 8-to-10-inches, which is deep enough to bury the seedling or starter plant at least halfway into the dirt. Then, before setting the plant, add to the bottom of the hole one cup of a 1:1 mixture of off-the-shelf drug-store Epsom salts and basic granulated fertilizer (component ratio: 10-10-10 to 13-13-13). Add a shallow layer of soil. And then, set the plant atop it.
3. Set out four-to-six varieties. A variety of early to late producers not only ensures a long growing season, but it is also a defensive measure. If a blight comes upon the plants, it probably will not damage all of them at once. The seasonal climate and personal taste could be considered when choosing varieties. Our Midwestern climate it fairly mild, and we like all tomatoes, from the cherry to beefsteak-types. Yet, our plot holds only six tomatoes.
4. Stake or cage the plants not too far apart. Large gardens easily allow the plants to be spread out by 36-inches or more. These lucky gardeners generally are master pruners as well. As a result, their well-spaced plants appear naked with highly visible easy-to-pluck fruits.
However, in small plots, the plants need to be spaced by 10-to-14-inches. Stake or cage them so they will grow upwards as much as possible. The idea is to make a tall heavy thicket of plants under whose foliage multiple fruits will grow, some of them not highly visible at first glance.
5. Aerate the roots. Tomato plants need at least 1½ -to-3-inches of water a week, which will pack the ground slightly even though it is fairly porous. At least, twice a season, after the first green tomatoes have set on, use a garden fork to gently lift or crack the ground around each plant slightly. To do that, sink the fork completely into the ground about 10-inches away from the plant on its far outside, and then pull back slightly on the handle just enough to make ground cracks around each plant. These small cracks allow air to reach the roots without disturbing any growth. They also allow a dilute solution of nitrogen-rich green-colored growth stimulator to reach the roots if applied then.
6. Pamper the plants slightly, but do not spoil them. Many things can be done to facilitate good tomato growth. But all of them might not be necessary. For example, egg shell can also be added to the starter-plant hole for calcium. But the magnesium in the Epsom salts is sufficient. Also, the powdering of the plant's blossoms with sulfur or other blight-insect repellents probably helps them produce. But, will not the next rain or hose watering wash them off? Additionally, the wind and rain shake the plants often enough, which is supposed to foster new blossoms. Does the gardener need to do it, too? Also, pruning the plants is an option, depending how much efficiency is needed. Still, much of the plant's energy goes into the fruits with or without it. Furthermore, adding dilute coffee or coffee-grounds to the ground helps control the acidity of the soil? But, does the soil acidity really change that much in one season?
These extra treatments probably help the overall growth. But, it could be just as important to treat the plants like they were your very own. One way to do that is to spray the whole plants gently with cool water in the evening. Another way is to use the green autumn fruits that do not have time to ripen, and to not throw them away. Several recipes show us how to pickle or fry green tomatoes. Both products are delicious bounty resulting from doing the six recommended steps above.
Tomatoes - Six Easy Steps to Maximize Yields of Big Juicy Ones in Small Home Gardens
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Hitachi Refrigerators Review

Hitachi is currently Japan's biggest refrigerator maker. Among its products is the Hitachi RS37NVND refrigerator. The 438 liters frost free refrigerator with 85 liters freezer capacity has a clean back. Other features include deodorizing capacity, moisture and humidity control and quick freezing compartment. This refrigerator has refrigerator compartment on top with deep door pockets, 2 vegetable trays at the center with separate door and freezer at the bottom with 2 drawers. It comes with automatic ice cube maker where water tank is located in the refrigerator compartment and whenever ice is required water will be flown to ice trays through pump.
The refrigerator capacity is 353 liters. As stated earlier, it is frost free. The air flow system is the multi air flow system. Insulation is PUF. There is a temperature control dial. It has 3 doors. It has 12 number of shelves and boxes. It has 4 cabinet shelves, 3 freezer shelves and 4 refrigerator door shelves. The material used for shelves is crystal which is adjustable. It has an open door alarm. The egg rack is removable. The egg tray capacity is 14. The material for the crisper or vegetable tray is plastic. There is a separator for vegetables and fruits and a moisture or humidity control. Furthermore, it has quick freezing component and chiller tray. It is available in grey color. The exterior finish is made of stainless steel. It is 590 mm in width, 615 mm in depth and height of 1798 mm. It comes with a warranty period of one year.
Another Hitachi refrigerator, the R 26SVND, is also a 3-door refrigerator with capacity of 306 liters and has NANO-TITANIUM filter. It has 3 separate compartments, and automatic ice cube maker. It also features quick freezing, mold proofing door gasket and chill leaking alarm.
The refrigerator capacity is 230 liters with freezer capacity of 76 liters. Its net capacity though is 201-400 liters. It has the same air flow system, insulation and defrosting system as the RS37NVND model. It has 3 doors, clean back and deodorizing system. It has the same number of shelves and boxes, cabinet shelves freezer shelves and refrigerator door shelves as the RS37NVND. Furthermore it has a large bottle shelf with spill guard. The crisper and vegetable tray is made of acrylic. It, too, has vegetable and fruit separator and moisture or humidity control.
Hitachi Refrigerators Review
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Blood Doping for Boosting Exercise Performance

As with any athletic event focusing on the extremes of human exercise performance, the Winter Olympics have allowed the ugly head of cheating in sport to rise again. Recently, police raided the Austrian ski team's residences in Torino on suspicion of blood doping to improve athletic performance. What is blood doping anyway and how does it improve athletic performance? This article provides some basic information on blood doping, explains the mechanisms for its ability to greatly improve exercise performance and provides pros and cons for it's use.
Doping in sports
Although the word hints at a relationship, doping actually has nothing to do with "dope" (the street word for marijuana). If this were the case, it may be that snowboarders would be under investigation instead of skiers!
Doping for exercise performance improvement refers specifically to "blood doping" - a means of cheating by artificially boosting red blood cell counts.
The doping procedure works like this:
A doctor draws up to 4 units (about 4 pints) of blood from the athlete's body - essentially making him/her anemic (low blood cell count)
The withdrawn blood is then centrifuged (spun very quickly) to separate the red blood cells (RBCs) from the other main component of blood - plasma.
The athlete's RBCs are "stored" under refrigerated conditions (the shelf life of RBCs is about 40 days)
The anemic condition stimulates the athlete's body to increase production and release of a hormone called EPO (erythropoietin)
EPO stimulates the replenishing of the "lost" RBCs
The athlete is given about 4 weeks to fully replenish their RBC count to pre-drawing levels
The athlete's stored RBCs are then re-infused into the athlete's body, boosting the RBC level higher
Why do athletes participate in blood doping and what is the logic behind it?
Quite simply - blood doping can quite significantly improve performance in long duration, endurance-type exercise such as cross-country skiing, skating and running.
The logic for its use it to boost the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood above normal levels providing more oxygen to the working muscles - allowing for a greater power output and a decreased susceptibility to fatigue.
RBCs contain a protein called hemoglobin - the primary "transporter" of oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body including the working muscles. So if you boost the number of RBCs you also boost the amount of "available" hemoglobin to bind and deliver oxygen.
The pros to blood doping use:
It is highly effective and is estimated to improve endurance exercise performance at the elite level by about 4%
It boosts VO2 max (maximal oxygen uptake) and reduces lactate buildup
The ergogenic (exercise performance boosting) effect with blood doping is immediate, making it ideal for a pre-main event performance - making pre-event detection more difficult
It may be easier to regulate hematocrit (percent composition RBCs of total blood volume) - a tightly regulated ceiling is placed on this value and is used for detection of both blood doping (and EPO use)
It probably decreases the perception of effort during exercise allowing for improved performance
The cons to blood doping use:
The blood doping process is quite laborious and quite severely decreases the training capacity of the athlete in the first few weeks after blood donation as the athlete is essentially anemic and cannot exercise as hard.
1. Health risks
With the increase in hematocrit the heart needs to work much harder to pump the higher viscosity blood - increasing the risk of overload damage to the heart such as myocardial infarct (heart attack)
There is an increased risk of developing life-threatening blood clots (stroke, heart attack, lung clot)
Blood doping involves transfusion using needles and sometimes donor blood, so there is a greater risk of infections such as hepatitis A and B and even AIDS
Since the athlete's RBCs are externally stored, there is a greater risk to the athlete if this has been done incorrectly (e.g. storage at the incorrect temperature, tampering, confusion/mislabeling)
2. Status risks
Detection of the use of blood doping may defile the athlete's reputation
Detection may result in him or her being banned from competition, as sport regulating agencies such as the IOC and several cycling governing bodies strictly forbid it.
Actually, blood doping in sports has become less popular recently due to the increased availability of recombinant erythropoietin (rEPO) which as explained in an article on this website produces exactly the same effect as blood doping but is easier, less riskier and more effective (boosts endurance performance by about 6%).
In conclusion, this article has shown that although blood doping and rEPO may quite significantly boost endurance exercise performance, it carries with it risks to the athlete's health and status. It is unfortunate, but with increases in modern technology and molecular biology, it is likely that even these forms of "cheating" will someday be replaced with safer and less detectable methods.
Blood Doping for Boosting Exercise Performance
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Merchandising Methods

When people hear the term merchandising, many think of window displays or perhaps the mass proliferation of Disney memorabilia. However, merchandising is a much broader concept, encompassing everything a company does to package and present its products or services.
For some businesses, merchandising means creating visual displays that draw customers to a tangible product. For others, such as consulting or law firms, it is the presentations they conduct to show prospective clients what they have to offer. In either case, effective merchandising demonstrates expertise and style and gives both potential and existing customers the chance to see products or services in action.
Traditional Techniques
Many of the merchandising techniques retailers have traditionally used can be adapted for wholesalers, manufacturers and service companies to frame a product. Window displays are the first thing people notice about a company, other than the front of the building, and can be a very powerful advertising vehicle. In addition to spotlighting specific products, windows can reflect a specific atmosphere, ambiance and business philosophy. Props, an integral component of window displays, can create a theme, add impact, demonstrate usage and allow products to be displayed in a cohesive, well-blended manner. For example, a retailer who sells hand-woven sweaters and shawls might place an authentic weaver's loom in the middle of the sales area as a focal point. Likewise, a store selling dolls could use baby doll furniture as props.
To enhance your own creativity, make a point of visiting the nearest regional shopping mall once a month to look at the display windows and temporary exhibits. Make notes on how props are used by window and store display designers. Signs can also stimulate interest and project a clear identity to the public. Because of their high visibility, however, unless you are a graphic artist, have them produced by a professional sign company. In addition to incorporating a logo or company name to reinforce your identity, think about the sizes of your signs and lettering - this aspect will determine how easy the signs are to read. Three-inch lettering can be read from 70 to 80 feet away; one-inch lettering from 10 to 30 feet. In addition, colors and styles should be coordinated with your decor and overall image. Are your signs bright and stylized, or subdued and unobtrusive? The former may be appropriate for a candy store, while the latter is a better choice for a law firm.
Lighting can be used to both create a certain atmosphere and highlight merchandise. Because lighting fixtures can be expensive, however, determine how essential lighting is to your overall product presentation. For example, retailers selling fine art or intricate items may decide they need spotlights to illuminate their work and help customers appreciate the quality of their craftsmanship or artistry. If your lighting needs are extensive, also consider seeking professional design advice. Once you decide on the necessary fixtures, invest in the best ones you can afford.
Counters and shelves offer an array of merchandising opportunities. For example, "facing" - a technique many retailers use - involves keeping all the stock pulled to the front of the shelves to give the appearance of a full inventory and create a more positive image of the store. Retailers can also set up counters and shelves to guide people through the store or to create special display areas. Of primary importance is that the store layout be reflective of customer needs. For example, people tend to stay longer in bookstores that have nooks that provide an "escape" from pedestrian traffic. On the other hand, customers in a hardware store are likely to prefer straight aisles with clearly labeled products that are within easy reach.
Although manufacturers and service companies often do not have counters and shelves, per se, they still have places where "products" can be displayed. Many businesses underestimate the merchandising opportunities of the waiting room, for example. Are the tables in your reception area covered with old magazines and newspapers, or brochures and newsletters that detail your various services? Has your company won any awards that can be displayed? Anything that educates the customer about your business and what it offers should be incorporated into your merchandising program.
End caps and power islands are frequently used for special displays. End caps (the end of a shelf or gondola in a store) can promote new products and services, sell higher-profit impulse items, call attention to key areas of the store or feature educational information about products and services. Power islands are attention-getting, free-standing displays that can be used in the same way as end caps. If they are eye-catching and colorful enough, they can also help direct people through the store or to certain areas of it.
Cross-organization, when products from different departments are displayed together, can create an effective merchandising opportunity. The most obvious example of this technique is furniture showrooms. Rather than displaying all the sofas, lamps and tables in separate areas, successful retailers put them together to create model rooms. Similarly, manufacturers and service firms can group products together in brochures and presentations.
Product demonstrations offer another way to gain attention and show customers what they can do with the product after purchasing it. For example, hand-woven baskets can be filled with fruit, letters, condiments or bath products. Similarly, vases can be filled with flowers, potpourri or colored marbles. Demonstrating how shoppers will benefit from the purchase of a product can also dramatically increase sales. One department store ran a video in the accessory department that demonstrated how to tie silk scarves. Sales increased 50 percent as a result.
The key to merchandising is simplicity and imagination. Entrepreneurs should develop a merchandising plan appropriate to their specific business and re-evaluate it on a regular basis. It is important to keep up with new merchandising ideas and to update your image periodically. For example, the olive-green office furniture that looked good in the 1970s may be less appealing to your 21st century client. Similarly, it's no longer wise to assume that men make the majority of purchase decisions and therefore cater exclusively to masculine sensibilities. While merchandising does involve time and energy, a good program is an integral component of presenting a coordinated and attractive image in the marketplace.
Everyone persuades for a living. There's no way around it. Whether you're a sales professional, an entrepreneur, or even a stay at home parent, if you are unable to convince others to your way of thinking, you will be constantly left behind. Donald Trump said it best, "Study the art of persuasion. Practice it. Develop an understanding of its profound value across all aspects of life."
Persuasion is the missing puzzle piece that will crack the code to dramatically increase your income, improve your relationships, and help you get what you want, when you want, and win friends for life. Ask yourself how much money and income you have lost because of your inability to persuade and influence. Think about it. Sure you've seen some success, but think of the times you couldn't get it done. Has there ever been a time when you did not get your point across? Were you unable to convince someone to do something? Have you reached your full potential? Are you able to motivate yourself and others to achieve more and accomplish their goals? What about your relationships? Imagine being able to overcome objections before they happen, know what your prospect is thinking and feeling, feel more confident in your ability to persuade. Professional success, personal happiness, leadership potential, and income depend on the ability to persuade, influence, and motivate others.
Merchandising Methods
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Merchandising Methods
Merchandising Methods
Merchandising Methods
Kurt Mortensens trademark is Magnetic Persuasion; rather than convincing others, he teaches that you should attract them, just like a magnet attracts metal filings. He teaches that sales have changed and the consumer has become exponentially more skeptical and cynical within the last five years. Most persuaders are using only 2 or 3 persuasion techniques when there are actually 120 available! His message and program has helped thousands and will help you achieve unprecedented success in both your business and personal life.
If you are ready to claim your success and learn what only the ultra-prosperous know, begin by going to and getting my free report "10 Mistakes That Continue Costing You Thousands." After reading my free report, go to and take the free Persuasion IQ analysis to determine where you rank and what area of the sales cycle you need to improve in order to close every sale!

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Blood Doping for Boosting Exercise Performance
Blood Doping for Boosting Exercise Performance
Blood Doping for Boosting Exercise Performance
David Petersen is a Personal Trainer/Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and the owner and founder of Body Tuneup Shop Inc. based in Clearwater, Florida. More articles, information and client testimonial video clips can be found at
NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this note, author information and all LIVE website links as above.

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Hitachi Refrigerators Review
Hitachi Refrigerators Review
Hitachi Refrigerators Review
To find the best refrigerator check out where you will find reviews and ratings on all the leading brands and models including Viking refrigerators, Amana, Electrolux, GE, Frigidaire, Hotpoint, Bosch and many more.
Get your FREE 'Refrigerator Buying Guide' full of tips and tricks on how to buy the best fridge for you.

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Tomatoes - Six Easy Steps to Maximize Yields of Big Juicy Ones in Small Home Gardens
Tomatoes - Six Easy Steps to Maximize Yields of Big Juicy Ones in Small Home Gardens
Tomatoes - Six Easy Steps to Maximize Yields of Big Juicy Ones in Small Home Gardens
Further information and tips on growing tomatoes.
wikiHow - The How-to Manual That You Can Edit How to Grow a Tomato Plant
Delms contact:

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Are You Wondering How Much Turmeric to Use?
Are You Wondering How Much Turmeric to Use?
Are You Wondering How Much Turmeric to Use?
Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of herbal, vitamin and mineral extracts. To discover which supplements Gordon recommends after far ranging and extensive research. Visit his website now at :

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